Vehicle Signage- Get Your Brand Out There

footscray sign a rama
So, you’re looking for a way to get your brand noticed. You’re not a Packer or a Murdoch, and the budget doesn’t extend to dazzling television campaigns and sponsored marquees at the Spring Racing Carnival. What’s a simple, affordable, and highly effective way to get your name noticed by potentially thousands of people a day?

In a word (or two)- vehicle signage. Your car is an 800 kilogram blank canvas, traversing varied terrain- not to mention demographics- every day. Social media and television campaigns can be a great marketing tool, but they differ from vehicle signage in one critical way- people must choose to engage with them. They must make the decision to turn on their tv, to not hit the mute button when the ads are on, to visit social media sites or actively track down your service. The real beauty of vehicle advertising is the captivity of your audience. Let’s imagine for a moment you’re stuck in the dreaded Punt Road traffic snarl, that most Melbourne of problems. A trip from Richmond to St Kilda can take a gruelling, mindlessly dull 50 minutes. Once you’ve bitten all your nails down to the quick, snuck a peek at facebook on your smartphone, and dusted the lint off your trousers, what do you do? Look out the window for visual stimulation. A vehicle with high impact signage is bound to catch the eye. Every trip you make in a signed vehicle is an exercise in increasing brand awareness. A quick trip to the milk bar, a leisurely Sunday drive, the school drop off/pick up- each each an opportunity for free advertising.  

To learn more about the fantastic impact vehicle signage can have on improving awareness of your brand, visit Footscray Sign a Rama

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cheekylittleprintsandgifts mengatakan...

They must make the decision to turn on their tv, to not hit the mute button when the ads are on, to visit social media sites or actively track down your service.

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