Tiny Transportable Humidifier/Aroma Diffuser For Your Traveling Requirements

Fogring 1 Tiny Portable Humidifier/Aroma Diffuser For Your Traveling Needs

Working with the current surrounding details to compose new and ingenious technologies, designers can upgrade our lives with just a few nicely -appointed touches. Consider as case in point this donut- shaped sub-miniature humidifier that floats on water – it addresses our issue of generally staying surrounded by a comfortable, well balanced atmosphere wherever we are. Weighing only 35 grams, the Fogring water -floating mini aroma diffuser and humidifier lacks the normal mounted water tank – it basically wants any form of container stuffed with h2o to do its work. Straightforward to connect by means of USB or drawing power from a battery pack, the Fogring is excellent for traveling. Available in different colors, the portable humidifier helps prevent the propagation of germs, is effortless to clear and can also be employed as an aroma diffuser. Test out the video beneath to see how the very small humidifier works and enable us know what you feel – are you fired up about this tiny gadget?

Fogring 2 Tiny Portable Humidifier/Aroma Diffuser For Your Traveling Needs

Fogring 3 Tiny Portable Humidifier/Aroma Diffuser For Your Traveling Needs

Fogring 4 Tiny Portable Humidifier/Aroma Diffuser For Your Traveling Needs

Fogring 5 Tiny Portable Humidifier/Aroma Diffuser For Your Traveling Needs

Fogring 6 Tiny Portable Humidifier/Aroma Diffuser For Your Traveling Needs

Fogring 7 Tiny Portable Humidifier/Aroma Diffuser For Your Traveling Needs

Fogring 8 Tiny Portable Humidifier/Aroma Diffuser For Your Traveling Needs

Fogring 9 Tiny Portable Humidifier/Aroma Diffuser For Your Traveling Needs

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