Remarkable Residential Features Embedding Rock Partitions And Woven Textures

Barud House by Paritzki Liani Architects 1 Extraordinary Residential Features Embedding Rock Walls And Woven Textures

Named right after the “warning contact shouted by development workers just before exploding the rock mountain in Jerusalem“, the textured Barud Home appears as a woven residential development pierced by substantial windows discovering the bordering views. Located in Jerusalem, Israel, the beautiful house embedded in the landscape occupies a overall area of 350 sq. meters on a 850 sq. meter home. Inventive minds of Paritzki Liani Architects labored on this job by drawing inspiration from a few sources : “Our therapy of the site emerged from this stabilitas loci, which we subdivided into about three key themes: Jerusalem, a metropolis of rock and stone broad aerial views and the sacred architecture of a number of religions intersecting in the skyline. These images composed the texture and backdrop for the job.” The L-shaped first ground prepare incorporates the coarse terrain as element of the house, weaving an exposed rock wall into the inside exhibit. Separated by a glass wall, this pure formation lends the living place an aura of coarse beauty. Over, the up coming two floors ended up designed to converge with the rock and form a tunnel leading from the prime of the web site, alongside the sloping terrain, to the bottom of the construction. All these characteristics compose a exclusive architectural language participating the landscape it shapes.

Barud House by Paritzki Liani Architects 2 Extraordinary Residential Features Embedding Rock Walls And Woven Textures

Barud House by Paritzki Liani Architects 3 Extraordinary Residential Features Embedding Rock Walls And Woven Textures

Barud House by Paritzki Liani Architects 4 Extraordinary Residential Features Embedding Rock Walls And Woven Textures

Barud House by Paritzki Liani Architects 5 Extraordinary Residential Features Embedding Rock Walls And Woven Textures

Barud House by Paritzki Liani Architects 6 Extraordinary Residential Features Embedding Rock Walls And Woven Textures

Barud House by Paritzki Liani Architects 7 Extraordinary Residential Features Embedding Rock Walls And Woven Textures

Barud House by Paritzki Liani Architects 8 Extraordinary Residential Features Embedding Rock Walls And Woven Textures

Barud House by Paritzki Liani Architects 9 Extraordinary Residential Features Embedding Rock Walls And Woven Textures

Barud House by Paritzki Liani Architects 10 Extraordinary Residential Features Embedding Rock Walls And Woven Textures

Barud House by Paritzki Liani Architects 11 Extraordinary Residential Features Embedding Rock Walls And Woven Textures

Barud House by Paritzki Liani Architects 12 Extraordinary Residential Features Embedding Rock Walls And Woven Textures

Barud House by Paritzki Liani Architects 13 Extraordinary Residential Features Embedding Rock Walls And Woven Textures

Barud House by Paritzki Liani Architects 14 Extraordinary Residential Features Embedding Rock Walls And Woven Textures

Barud House by Paritzki Liani Architects 15 Extraordinary Residential Features Embedding Rock Walls And Woven Textures

Barud House by Paritzki Liani Architects 16 Extraordinary Residential Features Embedding Rock Walls And Woven Textures

Via: Extraordinary Residential Features Embedding Rock Walls And Woven Textures

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